Free Yourself Now By Letting Go Of These 6 Things

Iona Kristina
6 min readJun 9, 2021

To truly free yourself means to feel an internal liberation and recognition of your true divine nature. It is letting go of the things that keep you in bondage with your false self (ego), and clearing out the debris or roadblocks that keep your soul from flying and rising high in its evolutionary journey.

And in this post are 6 things that you can start letting go of today (which interestingly all start with the letter L, as you will see below) that will greatly help in releasing the shackles of what no longer serves you. As you stop holding on to these things, you begin developing your “energetic wings” and allow your true self to naturally and freely express itself, outward and forward. So let’s begin!

1. Labels

Letting go of labels means releasing the ego’s need to judge things, people and circumstances around you, to put them into categories, and to push against what doesn’t conform to your labeling as right and good. It means choosing to live more peacefully by seeing all things with a more compassionate heart rather than comparison and judgment — recognizing the oneness of all things in this universe, however they may appear to be temporarily, instead of separating them into piles and labels.

You are freeing yourself as this enables you to access the perspective of your soul/Higher Self, who is all-inclusive, sees no blame or criticism, and holds no resistance to everything and everyone. Letting go of labels allows for a mind that is more quiet, serene and clutter-free, because you now come into a non-reactive state, and there is unconditional acceptance of others and of things, just as they are in the present moment. It also allows for your ascension into unity consciousness where you recognize that all is of God/Source– where there is equality and harmony, and without rifts and segregation.

2. Limits

Letting go of limits means seeing yourself as the unlimited and eternal being that you really are, living in an infinite and unbounded universe. It means having the broader, higher perspective that all that you truly desire with your heart are possible for you, without attaching to any particular way or timing for its manifestation because you know that this will get in the way of the unlimited possibilities.

As you let go of the illusion that you are limited, you now focus on the possibilities, and you remove from your vocabulary those self-imposed limiting words like “I can’t”, “There is no way” or “It is not possible”. You free yourself as you move beyond the old way of doing things, and embrace the new, the unknown and the adventure of continuous expansion. You come to accept how much unlimited help you have in the unseen, and you relax and trust in this ability of the universe to deliver– that there are no limits to what you can achieve in this world whenever you are connected to this stream of divine power. You accept, believe, know, and trust.

3. Lack

Letting go of lack means not anymore focusing on what is missing in your life, but rather placing your undivided attention to the abundance of supply and blessings all around you. It means releasing yourself from the ego’s bondage of constant worry and unnecessary concern, and staying in the state of appreciation and gratitude so that you connect yourself to the energy of abundance that permeates this universe. In this appreciative state, you have access to everything that you need, and you open yourself up to receive what is already in great abundance for you.

You free yourself as you release the need to dwell on what you do not have, and you become too busy focusing on the things that are already in your life. You already get it that when you focus on lack, you are closing yourself off from your natural abundance. As you let go of this illusion, there is no more struggle and sacrifice as you can just easily open your pipelines to your true Source/Supply, and live in the trust that you will always be provided for and taken care of.

4. Loss

Letting go of loss means adopting the perspective that you are always gaining in life, no matter how things turn out. It means letting go of the false idea of failure, and instead focusing on the gift that every situation or encounter gives you, without thinking that you are at a loss in any way. It means seeing the light amidst the “darkness” of a particular challenge.

You free yourself as you take the lesson out of every experience that you have, and feel victorious (instead of victimized) every single time, because you have then moved one step ahead in your evolutionary journey. As you let go of the illusion of loss, there is now an appreciation for the constant growth, and the knowing that everything are meant to serve your greatest good.

5. Low Frequency

Letting go of low frequency means releasing the energies of fear, anger, resentment, shame and guilt within you, which are all holding your vibration down. It means taking the time to feel and heal these emotions, and allowing them to pass through you, instead of keeping them active inside.

You free yourself as you let go of these low frequency energies and no longer attach to them, because your vibration will naturally rise to your true energetic frequencies of acceptance, love, joy and peace. You are literally taking your true power back and creating more room for these high frequency energies within you, as you deliberately take care of your feeling vibrations at all times.

6. Lies

Letting go of lies means starting to live and express the truth of who you are– in your thoughts, words and deeds. It means letting your true self shine and no longer carry what doesn’t resonate with your heart and soul. It means living your true purpose, doing what makes you come alive, and giving up all the illusions, egoic layers, misprogrammings, and false beliefs (on separation, unworthiness, struggle, powerlessness, control, victimhood, etc.) that you may have picked up along your path, either consciously or unconsciously.

You free yourself as you start living your own destiny and begin listening to your own calling within (your intuition, instinct and impulses), instead of following what the outside world tells you to do or to become. You then tap into your creative abilities, and gain a much deeper connection with yourself and with all of life. As you let go of the lies, you can now live and embody the truth of the powerful divine creator that you were born to be.

Let’s all start this journey of freeing ourselves from the bondage of Labels, Limits, Lack, Loss, Low Frequency, and Lies!

And as we continuously peel away what isn’t who we truly are, we begin to become more of what we came here in this world to be– the powerful creators of reality that we really are!

I hope you find this post enlightening and helpful, especially at this time when we are all moving towards a New Age for Planet Earth! May this serve as your guide on what needs to be released to lighten up your loads and begin ascending higher to a New World :)

Sending you Light, Love, and Happiness. Namaste.

P.S. See original article at my blog here



Iona Kristina

I am a self development writer and blogger at I share inspiration, happiness and enlightenment towards a more positive and joyful living.